Our Impact

We are a family of entrepreneurs funding entrepreneurs, we believe in the power of new ideas, and innovation. We encourage bold thinking and risk-taking. Our grants support visionary leaders at the early stages of their personal or organizational journeys, helping them build capacity, develop proofs of concept, and launch projects.

Our grants reach leaders in the early stages of their personal or organizational development that show promise, and new ways of thinking, and that are in need of investment for capacity building, developing proof of concept, and project launches. We think of ourselves as early-stage investors that empower our grantees and set them up for success with pathways for diversified funding. We believe in trust-based philanthropy and unrestricted funding, as our grantees understand best where their funds are needed.

Women & 

We believe one of the most significant ways to transform communities for the betterment of its members, is through the transformative power of lifting up women and girls, both as innovative nonprofit leaders and as beneficiaries. Our grants seek opportunities to remove barriers to advancement and expand women and girls' access to healthcare, education, and employment.

Selected Grantees:
We Care Solar, Maverick Collective, Vital Voices, Education Bridge, Aasha Foundation, SimiSleighs, Project Glimmer, The Greater Good Diaper Project, The Juniper Fund.

Disease research

Our foundation supports research advancement in Alzheimer's and Cancer, two significantly pressing diseases of our time, both of which have touched our family. We take a risk tolerant approach to philanthropic investment in this area, where we believe family foundation dollars can complement larger funders' efforts across the lifecycle of research. In the earliest research phases, our grants support seed funding for promising researchers to launch their scientific investigations.

Selected Grantees:
The V Foundation For Cancer Research, CureAlzheimer’s Fund, The Women's Alzheimer's Movement, The Rick Sharp Alzheimer's Fund.


Education provides the framework and the building blocks for the betterment of society. Our communities will only benefit when we enable people of all backgrounds to break through their barriers, bringing a diversity that is necessary to innovation. Our grants foster entrepreneurship as a learning tool, and seek to focus investment amongst populations who face greater gaps between their resources and their needs.

Selected Grantees:
College Track, Education Bridge, BUILD, The Henry Viscardi School, Berklee School Of Music, The Juilliard School.

Music & 
the Arts

Music and art has a unique power to preserve the past, bring joy to the present and inspire for the future. Artists across all genres of music and art, represent a critical component to our societies that are boundless in their ability to bring people together. Their benefit knows no boundaries when it comes to race, socioeconomic status or gender. Our grants invest in emerging artists so that they can realize their potential and sustain a living in their fields and in programs that bring music and art into public spheres for all to enjoy.

Selected Grantees:
The Juilliard School, Project Music Heals Us, Berklee School of Music, Honeywell Arts Academy, Argyros Performing Arts Center, HiiWav, Piano Sonoma, The Peace Studio, The Harmony Project.


Across all areas of funding, we believe strongly in our communities. The communities where we live and supporting the nonprofit efforts of relationships we nurture across our personal networks. While we align our strategic, multi-year investments with our core giving areas, we have a limited budget to support smaller, annual grants to the impactful work our friends and community members are doing.

Selected Grantees:
Tipping Point, SPUR, Battery Powered, Community Word Project, American Rivers, The Vine Trail, Camp Rainbow Gold, Troops First Foundation, Angel Flight West, Meals on Wheels.

Disaster Relief

Agnostic of our core giving areas, our foundation's annual budget supports real time needs around the world for rapid funding into disaster areas.

Selected Grantees:
Aerial Recovery, World Central Food Kitchen, The Red Cross, Edesia, Care.